Canadian Criminal
Justice Academy
Apply for Nomination
All candidates seeking admission into the Academy be recommended by a DNO Officer. Obtaining a nomination to the diploma program is a mandatory and an important step for your educational goals. The applicant will seek a leader with outstanding character and commitment to your personal responsibility in delivering excellence in public service. Being accepted for admission to the Canadian Criminal Justice Academy should be viewed as an exceptional honour reserved only the most promising leaders.
The Distinguished Nomination Officer (DNO) process will see a candidate obtain a nomination from a government, community leader, or emergency services professional. There is no requirement for the applicant to know the DNO Officer but rather express interest in the candidate’s success. It is recommended that you complete a cover letter to your nominating official explaining your education and career goals. It is anticipated that your nominating official will be invited to events, special presentations, and graduating ceremonies.
Letters of Nomination
The letter shall include the following:
First and last name of nominating officer
The name of the organization and email address of the nominating officer.
Position and/or responsibility within their organization.
Name of the candidate (Applicant to the Academy).
The nominator has a willingness to receive status updates, invitations and information on the applicant's progress and tenure at the Academy.
The document must be dated, and a signature is attached. Electronic signatures will not be accepted.
Nomination letters can be delivered by the candidate or directly to the Admissions Officer via mail, in-person or as an email PDF scanned attachment.
Who Can Write a Nomination Letter?
Nominations can be obtained from one of the following individuals:
Currently serving or retired sworn Canadian municipal, regional, provincial or federal Police Officer
Currently serving or retired sworn Canadian municipal, regional, provincial or federal Correctional Officer
Currently serving or retired Officer or Non-commissioned Officer of the Canadian Armed Forces (Regular, Reserve, Canadian Rangers, or Cadet Instructors Cadre) or Canadian Coast Guard
Currently serving or retired Member of a Canadian Provincial Legislative Assembly (MLA) or Provincial Sergeant-At-Arms
Currently serving or retired Canadian Member of Parliament (MP) or Federal Sergeant-At-Arms
Currently serving member of a local or rural Municipal Council in Canada
Current or past serving member of a North American Indigenous Council
Current or past serving leader of a recognized church or religious council in Canada
Any presiding justice of the Supreme Court of Canada, Provincial Court of Appeal Justice or Provincial Queen’s Bench Justice